Daumier in der Presse2022-08-16T18:33:05+02:00

Daumier in der Presse

309, 2019

Museo Internazionale della Grafica, Castronuovo, Italia

Antologica dell'opera grafica di uno dei più grandi artisti del secolo XIX   Domenica 10 febbraio 2019, alle ore 18.00, a Castronuovo Sant’Andrea, nelle sale del MIG Museo Internazionale della Grafica - Biblioteca Comunale “Alessandro Appella” - Atelier “Guido Strazza”, [...]

309, 2019

Von Daumier bis Ungerer

Von Daumier bis Ungerer Mit spitzer Feder und scharfem Verstand Zum Thema: Der Zeitgeist hatte schon immer seine provokanten Vertreter, die mit künstlerischem Esprit, beissender Ironie und spöttischem Humor ihre Sozialkritik ins passende Bild setzten. Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) begründete mit [...]

309, 2019

Daumier’s Salon: A Human Comedy

SANTA BARBARA MUSEUM OF ART Daumier’s Salon: A Human Comedy In the second half of the 19th century, Honoré Daumier (1808–1879) was employed by popular rags, such as La Caricature and Le Charivari to produce often hilarious lampoons of Parisian [...]

508, 2019

Circus in Art

Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019 Circus in art “Pop-Up Gallery: The Circus in Modern Art.” Aug. 1, 6-8:30 p.m. Jewish Museum Milwaukee, 1360 N. Prospect Ave. In partnership with David Barnett Gallery, Jewish Museum Milwaukee explores the longtime fascination of artists [...]

1607, 2019

Two exhibitions at the Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers

Early Adopters: The Social Media Prototypes of Daumier and Warhol February 11, 2016   Early Adopters: The Social Media Prototypes of Daumier and Warhol, Now on View at the Zimmerli   New Brunswick, NJ – Artists have always examined the [...]

1206, 2019

Picasso-Museum erhält große Daumier-Sammlung

Das Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster erhält in diesen Tagen bedeutenden Zu-wachs: Das Münchener Sammlerehepaar Brigitte und Walter Kames schenkt dem Museum über 300 Grafiken des französischen Karikaturisten Honoré Daumier (1808-1879). Die Werke des berühmten Malers, Bildhauers und Grafikers stammen [...]

203, 2019

Vanity Fair, May, 1933: THE TREE OF MODERN ART

Miguel Covarrubias, Mexican painter and writer, Mexico City, 1904 - Mexico City, 1957   THE TREE OF MODERN ART—PLANTED 60 YEARS AGO Executed in 1933. First published in the May 1933 issue of Vanity Fair—The Tree of Modern Art, Planted [...]

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